Tips and tricks for Debian on QNAP TS-109
Automatic power on
QNAP machines can turn on automatically when power is applied if the device was not powered down correctly. This is helpful when your power goes down. In order to enable this feature, run the following command:
sudo qcontrol --direct autopower on
qcontrol on fanless QNAP systems
On QNAP systems without fan (TS-109 and TS-109 II), fan errors will be reported by qcontrol because it tries to regulate the fan and fails.
To avoid these errors, edit the qcontrol config file /etc/qcontrol.conf
and change:
has_fan = true
has_fan = false
Restart qcontrol:
sudo systemctl restart qcontrol.service qcontrold.service
Battery for clock
There's a CR-2032 battery hidden on the bottom of the main board (similar to the CMOS battery on most PCs). It's likely that the battery is dead after all these years and has to be replaced.