Upgrading to Debian 7.0 (wheezy) on ARM

Debian 7.0 (wheezy) has been released. Here are some notes if you're running Debian on an ARM-based NAS device or plug computer and are planning to upgrade.

First of all, if you're running Debian on a plug computer, such as the SheevaPlug, make sure that you have u-boot version 2011.12-3 (or higher). If you're using an older version, the Linux kernel in wheezy will not boot! You can read my u-boot upgrade instructions on how to check the version of u-boot and upgrade it.

Second, check your /etc/kernel-img.conf file. If it still contains the following line, please remove this line.

postinst_hook = flash-kernel

This postinst_hook directive was needed in the past but flash-kernel is called automatically nowadays whenever you install a new kernel.

Now you're almost ready to start with your upgrade. Before you start, make sure to read the release notes for Debian 7.0 on ARM. This document contains a lot of information on performing a successful upgrade.

During the kernel upgrade, you'll get the following message about the boot loader configuration:

The boot loader configuration for this system was not recognized. These
settings in the configuration may need to be updated:

 * The root device ID passed as a kernel parameter;
 * The boot device ID used to install and update the boot loader.

On ARM-based NAS devices and plug computers, you can simply ignore this warning. We put the root device into the ramdisk so it will be updated automatically.

There are no other issues I'm aware of, so good luck with your upgrade and have fun with Debian wheezy!