Test kernel for Orion with performance patches available

Marvell posted some performance patches for ARM that speed up the copy_to_user and clear_user functions which are used to copy data around. I see quite a bit of performance increase with these patches on Orion, and I've prepared a test kernel so you can try them out too. This kernel should be treated as experimental, but I'm looking for testers with Orion-based hardware (e.g. QNAP TS-109, TS-209, and TS-409) who are interested in giving it a go.

If your system has a rescue mode (the QNAP devices and the HP mv2120 do), I suggest you first make a backup of your flash. On the QNAP devices, you can do this with:

cat /dev/mtdblock1 /dev/mtdblock2 /dev/mtdblock3 > qnapimg.bin

Then edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following line:

deb http://people.debian.org/~tbm/orion lenny main

Load the key used to sign this repository so that apt can verify it:

gpg --keyserver pgp.earth.li --recv-keys 68FD549F
gpg --export -a 68FD549F | apt-key add -

Now you can install the new kernel:

apt-get update
apt-get install linux-image-2.6-orion5x

After the installation of the kernel, reboot and do some tests: Do you see any speedup? Do you see any problems?